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United Kingdom: Baby Boomers told to drink much less than official limits

United Kingdom: Baby Boomers told to drink much less than official limits


Source: The Telegraph

Laura Donnelly

7 MARCH 2018


Millions of baby boomers are being urged to cut their alcohol intake well below current recommended limits, amid warnings of soaring deaths linked to drinking and drugs.


A report today warns that the number of deaths linked to alcohol among over 50s has risen 45 per cent in a decade, while drug deaths among such groups have risen by more than 100 per cent.


GPs are being urged to question all older drinkers about their drinking habits, with extra checks when patients have gone through major events, such as death or divorce.


Experts said the baby boomer generation was fast becoming the “highest risk group” across all age groups, with men and women in their 60s and 70s suffering the results of decades of excess.


Current Government advice suggests a limit of 14 units of alcohol a week for men and women.


But the Royal College of Psychiatrists said older drinkers should approach this far more cautiously, especially the millions suffering from medical conditions or taking daily medication.


In such cases, a limit of around 11 units a week was more sensible, its authors said.


The report warns of a generation of “invisible addicts,” with older people increasingly turning to drink, drugs, and other addictions such as gambling.


UK statistics show a 20 per cent rise in the number of people aged 65 and over drinking above recommended drinking limits, in the last decade, with older drinkers the only group to see a continued rise.


Dr Tony Rao, from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, one of the report’s editors, said: “Young people are decreasing their use of alcohol and drugs, leaving older people fast becoming the highest risk group, across all types of misuse.”


In terms of lives lost to disability in England, alcohol is now the fifth highest risk factor among people aged 50 to 69 – a rise from 16th place in 1990, the report warns.


And its says European monitoring suggests that number of people over 65 needing treatment for substance abuse is set to have doubled between 2001 and 2020


Dr Rao said said millions of older drinkers should cut their drinking, because common medications and health problems meant alcohol could hit their health much harder.


“This is the age group which is most likely to be taking daily medication, whether it’s painkillers, drugs for hypertension, diabetes or sleeping pillls,” he said.


“We are saying the current guidelines may not apply in those cases, that 11 units or so a week might be a safer limit than 14.”


Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chairman of the Royal College of GPs, urged patients to at least stick to the Government advice.


“GPs are not killjoys but safe drinking limits are set for good reason and we would encourage everyone to try to stick to limiting their intake to a maximum of 14 units a week, with at least two alcohol-free days every week,” she said.


The GP said doctors tried to take account of the “physical, psychological and social factors” which could impact on patients, including asking questions about alcohol intake, smoking and any drug use to determine whether treatment was needed.


“It is alarming to see a doubling in deaths related to poisoning from substances in older people and highlights the very real dangers of alcohol and drug misuse,” she said.


Separate figures show those aged 55 to 64 are the most likely to drink above a recommended limit of 14 units a week, while younger and older adults are most likely to be teetotal.


Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance UK (AHA), said: “The findings of this study are very worrying.”


“When it comes to alcohol, much has been made in recent years of the decline in levels of youth drinking, which is positive, but not enough attention has been paid to the increasing numbers of older people experiencing problems with alcohol.”


Lynn Bransby, Head of Delivery for drugs, alcohol and tobacco at Public Health England, said: “Baby boomers who started drinking and using drugs in their youth are now in their 50s or older.


“This generation may have additional health problems and particular needs. It’s vital to make every contact with healthcare services count, so problems with drugs and alcohol are picked up and people are offered the help they need.”


Dave Roberts Director General of the Alcohol Information Partnership said: “According to Government data the vast majority of UK adults drink in a convivial and moderate manner and within the Chief Medical Officers low risk guidelines.


“Where problems do exist it is essential that solutions are targeted at those that need support rather than heavy handed bans and restrictions that hit the moderate drinking majority.”



