Couple drives 14 miles with a drunk on their trunk

Couple drives 14 miles with a drunk on their trunk


Source: Fox News

May 24, 2017


A Tennessee couple got the surprise of their life when a police car pulled them over on a Memphis highway.


They hadn’t been speeding, or even driving erratically, and at first they couldn’t believe what the officer told them.


“Mister, are you aware that there’s a body on your trunk?”


He wasn’t dead, but he was dead drunk. Turns out he’d been lying there for 14 miles.


The driver, Carl Webb, told Fox 13 that he and his wife had left the Barbecue Fest in downtown Memphis last Thursday night and got into their Ford Taurus, which was backed up against a wall and had a sunshade on the rear window that was stuck closed, making it difficult to see out the back.


Incredibly, the unconscious, unidentified man stayed perched on the 14-inch wide trunk lid at speeds of up to 65 mph without fallling off. Webb credits the tiny lip spoiler on the edge of the trunk for holding the intoxicated passenger in place.


When he was finally roused, the man nearly stumbled into traffic before the officer grabbed him.


“I hope he takes a good look at where he put himself and the hazard that he had open up to himself. It would’ve been death,” Webb said.