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  • Busted! From alcohol destroying brain cells to men’s boasts of big feet: 20 ‘facts’ about the human body that are complete myths (Excerpt)

Busted! From alcohol destroying brain cells to men’s boasts of big feet: 20 ‘facts’ about the human body that are complete myths (Excerpt)

Busted! From alcohol destroying brain cells to men’s boasts of big feet: 20 ‘facts’ about the human body that are complete myths (Excerpt)

The Ancient Greeks had a famous saying which has long endured: ‘Know thyself’

Yet few of us come close, according to biochemist and author Matt Brown

He’s on a mission to debunk the greatest medical myths about our bodies

Here, he reveals the truth about our 20 most common misconceptions…

Source: Daily Mail


20 August 2018


Common wisdom would have us believe that alcohol is the destroyer of brain cells.

There is a fermented grain of truth to the notion, but – like a hopeless drunk – it doesn’t fully stand up.

Any alcohol that we drink is broken down in the liver. The organ is effective, but slow at its task. Most people who drink alcohol do so quicker than the liver can handle.

The surplus alcohol circulates in the blood and passes through the brain. Yet it doesn’t destroy the brain cells, but does interrupt the signalling between them.

This leads to slurred speech, a lack of inhibitions, dizziness and all the other wonderful, lamentable and laughable effects we associate with drunkenness.

Just as a bad storm might interfere with your TV signal, but won’t damage your television, so a night of moderate drinking will only temporarily affect the brain.
