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Canada:  Northern Saskatchewan program raises awareness of alcohol-related harms

Canada:  Northern Saskatchewan program raises awareness of alcohol-related harms

Global News

By Thomas Piller, Online Producer

November 6, 2018

New funding has allowed the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute to expand, allowing the Youth Action for Prevention (YAP) program to better engage people in northern areas of the province about the harms of alcohol.

YAP is a prevention initiative that encourages people to create resources and projects to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and other alcohol-related harms among their peers.

“The additional funding allows the prevention institute to better work directly with youth and communities across the north,” the institute’s executive director, Joelle Schaefer, said in a press release.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with the provincial government to expand a program that works to build capacity among youth, adult allies and communities in order to support positive change and reduce harms experienced through alcohol use.”

YAP will be expanded to include a program co-ordinator in La Ronge.

The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) is providing $100,000 to help the program.

“As a government we are continuing to work with northern communities to address alcohol-related harms through local solutions,” Minister responsible for SLGA Gene Makowsky said in a statement.

“This program will help young people in the north make informed decisions about the responsible use of alcohol while also encouraging them to raise awareness among their peers and community members.”