What you need to know about stories proclaiming ‘no safe level of alcohol’

What you need to know about stories proclaiming ‘no safe level of alcohol’ Source: https://www.healthnewsreview.org/ Mary Chris Jaklevic August 25, 2018 We’ve often highlighted the perils of superficial reporting on observational studies claiming to show health benefits from alcohol. Likewise with an analysis published this week in The Lancet that focused not on the benefits but […]

TX:  Texas wants to lower legal blood alcohol limits to .05

TX:  Texas wants to lower legal blood alcohol limits to .05 Local police share their thoughts Weatherford Democrat By John Austin, CNHI State Reporter October 31, 2018 AUSTIN — Texas is tough on drinking and driving, but not tough enough, according to new research. A Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute national poll shows that 54 […]