United Kingdom:  Web chat opens for older adults with alcohol concerns

United Kingdom:  Web chat opens for older adults with alcohol concerns Support programme uses digital channel to make alcohol support services available to people in more parts of the UK. Charity Digital News By James Hayes August 21, 2018 People aged over 50 who have concerns about their alcohol consumption can now get support from professionals trained […]

India:  All alcohol bottles to carry health warning messages from April 2019

India:  All alcohol bottles to carry health warning messages from April 2019 Every single liquor bottle in every state will be carrying health warning from next year, as an initiative to promote healthy drinking habit. Money Control August 20, 2018 Come April 2019, all liquor bottles in the country, be it spirit, beer or wine, […]

New study examines scope of state policies targeting drug use by pregnant women

New study examines scope of state policies targeting drug use by pregnant women News Medical and Life Sciences August 20, 2018 Download PDF Copy Policymakers and public health experts have long recognized the harm that can come to fetuses if women use drugs during pregnancy. As U.S. states legalize marijuana and as governmental attention focuses on […]