Moderate, Consistent Drinking May Help Heart

Moderate, Consistent Drinking May Help Heart Source: By Robert Preidt Aug. 22, 2018 Could a habit of consistent “moderate” drinking — a little more than two drinks a day for men, and slightly less for women — actually help your heart? That’s the suggestion from a new study of more than 35,000 British and French […]

Drinking responsibly is bad news for the alcohol industry – here’s why

Drinking responsibly is bad news for the alcohol industry – here’s why Source: Colin Angus August 23, 2018 Disclosure statement Colin Angus has received funding from the National Institute for Health Research, Alcohol Research UK, The Medical Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, Public Health England, the European Union and the governments of […]

TN:  Tennessee Supreme Court says DUI fee system is constitutional

TN:  Tennessee Supreme Court says DUI fee system is constitutional Times Free Press By Staff Report August 23, 2018 The Tennessee Supreme Court has ruled that a statute allowing the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to collect a fee when a person is convicted of certain drug and alcohol offenses does not deprive defendants of the right to […]

Swipe to see if too drunk, too high to drive

Swipe to see if too drunk, too high to drive Cape Breton Post By Niki Sullivan August 24, 2018 SYDNEY, N.S. — A psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts has a new app out that might help you determine if you should get behind the wheel after a few drinks or a joint. Dr. Michael […]