China now drinks more Budweiser than the US

China now drinks more Budweiser than the US Source: August 17, 2018 Overall beer consumption in the US hasn’t changed much since 2000. Data from Rabobank shows that 23.5bn liters of beer were consumed in the US in 2000, and 23.459bn liters were consumed in 2017. However, what types of beer people are drinking […]

North Carolina: Why we should keep our ABC system of selling alcohol

North Carolina: Why we should keep our ABC system of selling alcohol Source: BY JOSEPH E. WALL August 16, 2018 North Carolina’s alcoholic beverage control (ABC) system has served our citizens well for many years, and we should resist all efforts to privatize the system. As a society, do we really want to flood our […]

Biometric alcohol purchase verification pilots at ballpark

Biometric alcohol purchase verification pilots at ballpark A system that uses a finger tap on a sensor to validate the age of a customer looking to buy beer recently went online at Seattle’s Safeco Field. Source: Mike Buzalka Aug 16, 2018 Age verification to validate purchases of alcoholic beverages slows down concessions lines at sporting […]