UK pub companies feel high street chill

—— UK pub companies feel high street chill Source: FT June 3, 2018 The UK high street has had a bumpy start to the year, with many retailers blaming very cold weather and heavy snow at the start of March for worse than expected sales. Pubs were no exception, and many said the chilling effect […]

Airplane Horror Stories Reveal Why Alcohol Shouldn’t Be Served on Airline Flights (Additional Coverage)

—— Airplane Horror Stories Reveal Why Alcohol Shouldn’t Be Served on Airline Flights (Additional Coverage) Source: Julia Mullaney June 03, 2018 In recent years, incidents of alcohol abuse on commercial airlines have skyrocketed. And these stories prove that something needs to be done about intoxicated passengers on airplanes. Just how much have drunken passenger […]

Tough state alcohol laws tied to fewer drunk-driving fatalities

Tough state alcohol laws tied to fewer drunk-driving fatalities Source: Lisa Rapaport June 3, 2018 Stricter state regulations for buying and consuming alcohol and driving while impaired are associated with fewer motor vehicle crash fatalities involving drunk drivers, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers analyzed data on 505,614 adult crash deaths from 2000 to 2015; […]