NE:  Nebraska lawmakers will again target clubs with nude dancers

NE:  Nebraska lawmakers will again target clubs with nude dancers Omaha World-Herald By Paul Hammel / World-Herald Bureau January 2, 2018 LINCOLN — Nebraska’s newest state senator and one of its most seasoned lawmakers are mounting a new effort to bring private “bottle clubs,” like a strip club operating in central Omaha, under state regulation. […]

United Kingdom:  ‘Drunk tanks’ needed to tackle ‘selfish’ revellers

United Kingdom:  ‘Drunk tanks’ needed to tackle ‘selfish’ revellers The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) could permanently introduce ‘drunk tanks’ throughout the country to alleviate the pressure put on A&E departments by those who have consumed too much alcohol. The Spirits Business By Melita Kiely  January 2, 2018  Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester and Cardiff already offer […]

Drinking alcohol raises risk of cancer by snapping DNA, scientists find

Drinking alcohol raises risk of cancer by snapping DNA, scientists find   Source: The Telegraph Sarah Knapton, science editor 3 JANUARY 2018   Drinking alcohol raises the risk of cancer by damaging DNA, scientists have discovered for the first time, leading health experts to call for people to cut down on their consumption.   Alcohol […]

New Zealand:  Underage drinkers given option of essay

New Zealand:  Underage drinkers given option of essay Otago Daily Times By Kerrie Waterworth January 2, 2018 Wanaka police believe they may be the first police station in the country to allow underage drinking offenders to write an essay about what alcohol does to the teenage brain rather than pay a hefty fine. Senior Sergeant Allan […]

Here’s What Can Happen to Your Body When You Cut Out Alcohol

Here’s What Can Happen to Your Body When You Cut Out Alcohol Health By Maria Masters January 1, 2018 The latest New Year’s trend has nothing to do with alcohol—literally. For millions of people, January 1 marks the first day of not just a new year, but a “dry” January, or month-long break with booze. […]

Despite some progress, binge drinking still a top concern at NDSU

Despite some progress, binge drinking still a top concern at NDSU WDAY By Patrick Springer December 31, 2017  FARGO — North Dakota State University has made some inroads in curbing alcohol abuse among its student body in the decade since a group began fostering a healthy culture, but binge drinking remains a stubborn problem. University administrators […]