Wisconsin: Wisconsin Tavern League, beer distributors draft plan to narrow distribution laws

Wisconsin: Wisconsin Tavern League, beer distributors draft plan to narrow distribution laws   Source: The Capital Times KATELYN FERRAL June 1, 2017   The Wisconsin Tavern League, along with two other lobby groups want to narrow how the state regulates companies that manufacture, distribute and sell alcoholic beverages and create a new government office with […]

Incredibly, Americans Drank Less Alcohol in 2016 (Additional Coverage)

Incredibly, Americans Drank Less Alcohol in 2016 (Additional Coverage)   Source: Fortune John Kell Jun 01, 2017   2016 isn’t a year that the beverage alcohol industry will be toasting.   On Thursday, industry tracker IWSR reported that Americans consumed less alcohol in 2016 than the prior year, with volume slipping by 3.5 million nine-liter […]


DECLINE IN GLOBAL ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION ACCELERATING (Additional Coverage)   Source: the drinks business by Lauren Eads 1st June, 2017   The rate of decline in global alcohol consumption is accelerating, according to the IWSR, with the global market for alcoholic drinks shrinking by 1.3% in 2016, compared with an average rate of 0.3% in the […]