Senators Renew Fight To Lift Cuba Embargo

Senators Renew Fight To Lift Cuba Embargo Source: Law360 By Alex Lawson May 26, 2017 The long-running legislative effort to liberalize U.S.-Cuba trade began anew on Thursday as a bipartisan group of 14 senators introduced a bill to lift the Cold War-era embargo on the island nation. Spearheading the latest iteration of the embargo repeal […]


SOUTH KOREA INVENTS HANGOVER-CURE ICE CREAM Source: the drinks business by Natalie Wang 26th May, 2017 Curing a hangover has never been so delicious and sweet, as a South Korean company says it has invented an ice cream bar that will nurse you back to your normal self after a night of heavy drinking. The […]

The PicoBrew Pico: Getting closer to a counter-top beer-making machine (Excerpt)

The PicoBrew Pico: Getting closer to a counter-top beer-making machine (Excerpt) Source: ars TECHNICA MEGAN GEUSS 5/20/2017 I’m in my mother’s kitchen in Los Angeles drinking a beer with my sister on a hot spring afternoon. The beer is a bready, hoppy IPA without any overwhelming flavors that would make you think too hard. The […]