Distilled Spirits Council Criticizes New Hospitality Tax

Distilled Spirits Council Criticizes New Hospitality Tax   Tax Bill Would Hurt California Hospitality Sector and Destroy Jobs   Source: The Distilled Spirits Council March 10, 2017   The Distilled Spirits Council today called on lawmakers to reject Assembly Bill 479, a proposal to increase taxes on spirits that would devastate restaurants and small businesses […]

Tax on wine: How much do you pay in the UK?

Tax on wine: How much do you pay in the UK?   Source: Decanter March 11, 2017   Another UK Budget has brought potential disappointment for wine drinkers with news that wine duty will rise in-line with inflation. But how much tax are you paying on wine, and how does it change depending on what […]

Who’s Buying Bev Alc Online?

Who’s Buying Bev Alc Online?   Source: Wine & Spirits Daily March 10th   Nearly 70% of US consumers are regular buyers of beverage alcohol, and about 12% of them made their alcohol purchases online in the past six months, according Nielsen’s Harris Poll. Wine had the highest percentage of online purchases at 42%, then […]