Man wins bet chugging bottle of tequila, dies minutes later

Man wins bet chugging bottle of tequila, dies minutes later   Source: New York Post By Fox News March 3, 2017   A 23-year-old man died after chugging a bottle of tequila during a friendly wager at a Dominican nightclub.   He won $630 but just minutes later he lost his life.   The cause […]


A-B AGREES TO PAY CALIFORNIA $200k IN TIED-HOUSE SETTLEMENT   Source: Beer Business Daily March 3rd   Coolers, draft systems, TV monitors, oh my!  California law prohibits distributors providing items of value to retailers under tied-house rules.  A-B owns several branch wholesalers in California.    So in mid-2016, A-B says it approached the California ABC […]

Lowering the legal limit won’t save lives

Lowering the legal limit won’t save lives   Most drunk drivers who kill are already ignoring the law   Source: Washington Post By Richard Berman February 27, 2017   New traffic fatality data shows that U.S. motor-vehicle deaths increased by 6 percent last year.   Legislators who want to look like they’re “doing something” to […]